Monday, July 9, 2007

Early July Healings

While at the Joy of Jesus Camp, Angela B. began suffering from one of her chronic migrane headaches. According to camp counselors, Angela was experiencing intense pain along with nausea. Pastor Irene prayed for Angela and within minutes her headache was getting better. Instead of giving up, she continued to pray and before long Angela's migrane was completely gone. Angela became immediately excited and testified of God's power to many of her fellow campers!

On Sunday, July 1st, Christina M. and I went on a "house call" to pray for Jo. Jo had been in such intense pain that she was unable to go to church. For over 25 years Jo had suffered from a very painful back that had been diagnosed as a genetic ailment. Christina and I interviewed Jo and then prayed for her. Jo reported back a week later saying that it was the first time she'd been pain free in over 25 years. Praise God!

During my sermon on Sunday I asked for a show of hands of those whom had received healing within the last four weeks. 12 people raised their hands!

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